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Energy Saving Ordinance 2022

By 28. September 2022December 5th, 2023pluggable timer

The Energy Saving Ordinance of the German Government

Smart timers as flexible helpers!

Since September 1, 2022, it has been in effect: the Energy Saving Ordinance of the German Government. This applies to both public and private spaces. Also affected by this are the lighting sector and illuminated advertisements. In the future, illuminated signs and advertisements may no longer be lit between 22:00 and 16:00, unless they serve public safety.

The Energy Saving Ordinance 2022 is already causing controversy, and yet, due to ongoing conflicts and climate warming, it is urgently necessary to save energy. Clever technology can help with this. With an intelligent timer, light can be precisely controlled, and thanks to modern features, the lighting can even be adjusted to the day and night rhythm.

The talento smart by Grässlin: Saving electricity with the timer

Modern timers impress with clever features, like the talento smart, which can be easily adjusted to the rhythm of day and night thanks to its astro function. The light can be switched on or off with dusk, saving energy. Of course, the timer can also be set to comply with the new Energy Saving Ordinance.

Shop window lighting has a high potential for energy savings; due to high energy prices, saving here can be worthwhile. The lighting is only turned on when needed. The timer adjusts to the seasons and does not need to be manually set constantly. The talento smart and topica smart have proven to be reliable partners in this regard.

More information on the functions, benefits, and applications of talento smart and topica smart can be found in the following blog articles.

To make programming easier for you, you will find suitable program templates for the models of the talento smart series for download, in accordance with the new Energy Saving Ordinance.

talento smart B15
talento smart B25
talento smart C15
talento smart C25
talento smart S25
talento smart C15
talento smart C25
talento smart S25